Stomach pain
Hvordan finder jeg ud af, om min hest har ondt i maven? Er den irritabel når jeg spænder gjorden og lægger schenklerne til? Er den småsur og i dårligt humør under ridning? Er den mere træt end den plejer at være.
Hvordan finder jeg ud af, om min hest har ondt i maven? Er den irritabel når jeg spænder gjorden og lægger schenklerne til? Er den småsur og i dårligt humør under ridning? Er den mere træt end den plejer at være.
Yoga is an ideal form of physical training of the body for a rider who often forgets himself in the training of the crew. It stretches the overly tense muscles and trains the weak ones - it is a combination of Pilates training and stretching - yolates you could also call it ...
A locked jaw can propagate down into the shoulder, and problems in the body can propagate up to the jaw. So everything is connected, but in horses especially the jaw and teeth with the rest of the body. Therefore, it is important that equine dentists and manual therapists work closely together. I work together with several horse dentists, which makes it possible to correct the jaw and mouth when the horse is anesthetized.